July 5, 2012 by
Categories: Therapy

Note: This is a post that I wrote over a month ago but experienced a moment of uncertainty before posting it which prevented me from doing so. I was unsure of how people would react to it. Today…I am going for it. I am taking the leap that I often ask my clients to take and putting myself out there.

Insanity is said to have been defined by Albert Einstein as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” I hope that I am not the only person who has found this definition to ring true.

Every now and then I struggle with anxiety. It is like the pesky fly that flies around your head on a hot summer afternoon. It doesn’t show up every day but when it does it invades my mind and body and proves to be very bothersome.

Yesterday just happened to be a convenient day to be struggling with it. I had a therapy session scheduled with my therapist and walked into the room holding anxiety’s hand. She, of course, noticed this immediately…I could not stop fidgeting! I attempted to explain my anxiety to her but was not very successful.

What she suggested next was amazing. She introduced me to a holistic technique called thought based therapy. This technique consists of tapping on different energy points on your body while focusing on whatever it is that you are experiencing (in my case, anxiety).

A few years ago, prior to becoming a therapist, I probably would have been skeptical. Something has changed for me. I have realized that my own way of dealing with certain situations like this one is not necessarily the best approach and sometimes goes so far as to make the situation worse (morphing it into a mild state of insanity).

I went for it. After about ten minutes of tapping various body parts (eyebrow, side, chin, collar bone, pinky finger, etc.) and focusing on my anxiety, it was gone. I felt an inexplicable sense of peace.

I am not trying to introduce you to a new therapy technique. Rather, I am encouraging you to try something new to get a different result rather than trying the same thing over and over again. After all, what do you have to lose?

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