Meditation on “Lovingkindness”
May 29, 2012 by
Categories: Mindfulness, Miscellaneous

May you feel safe.
May you feel content.
May you feel strong.
May you feel at ease.
-Sylvia Boorstein 

“Lovingkindness” is one of the four minds of love. It refers to an attitude of friendship for everything and everybody. In the Spiral Staircase, Armstrong says “…if we deny our own pain, it is all too easy to dismiss the suffering of others.” The positive form of this statement says that we can show kindness toward others once we have been able to be kind to ourselves.

The following video is an example of this process. In the least, I hope it provides a few relaxing minutes. At most… well, let your imagination run wild.

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One Thought About Meditation on “Lovingkindness”

  • April 23, 2014 at 5:44 am Reply

    Really good advice. Mental helath is the person’s emotional well-being or mental balance to realize the person’s abilities, capability to cope and productivity in making contributions to the community. By avoiding extra burden on oneself by rejecting surplus load of work or by taking out time to meet friends may help one in reducing stress level.

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