December 13, 2012 by
Categories: Miscellaneous, Self



All this time

The Sun never says

To the Earth

“You owe me.”


What happens

With a love like that.

It lights the



– Hafiz

Help is hard to ask for. But why is it such a hard thing to ask for?

We are usually in a position of vulnerability when we need help. We have found ourselves incapable or unwilling to go it alone anymore. We need someone. We need someone to sit with us in our shame/anger/hurt/embarrassment/sadness without judgment.

Somewhere along the way, a lot of us have bought into the notion that we need to be reliant on ourselves. A notion that to put ourselves in a position in which we need help is a declaration of weakness and inadequacy.

What if it is supposed to happen this way? What if we are supposed to be in positions of need?

I often hear people tell me about their closest relationships. These are the relationships in which help is offered without judgment, surprise, or hesitancy and in which nothing is expected in return.

In fact, I have witnessed time and time again that something truly beautiful happens when we reach out for help. We give the person to whom we are asking help from a gift. We give them the opportunity to hold our hand in a moment of need. In that moment we admit that we are human. These are the relationships that light up the whole sky.

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