Bittersweet grief
April 9, 2012 by
Categories: Hello World

Do you ever experience those moments when you feel like life has punched you in the gut? In those moments, I find myself doubled over on my knees and gasping to catch my breath. Those are the moments when my grief hits me the hardest.

Now, let me ask you this. Do you ever experience those moments when you stop and smile in remembrance of someone who you loved/love/will always love so dearly but that you have lost? Those are also the moments when my grief hits me the hardest.

Grief is bittersweet. I know of no other way to explain it. There is a tragic beauty inherent in the expression of grief, whether it be through laughter or tears. As a therapist listening to another person’s account of their own grief as well as a person who has grieved the loss of someone very dear, I have learned that grief is a unique experience worth sharing. Sharing is difficult but also a moment in which you have the power to honor the person or time that you have lost. In a word, it is liberating.

Author’s note: CollectiveInquiry is the first blog that I have ever participated in. This blog is unique in that I will have the opportunity to write alongside some of the most important people in my life. I enjoy seeing where life takes me (the ups and the downs), which will probably be reflected in the nature of my posts. So, here goes nothing…

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3 Thoughts About Bittersweet grief

  • Audrey
    April 10, 2012 at 1:49 pm Reply

    “Grief is bittersweet. I know of no other way to explain it. There is a tragic beauty inherent in the expression of grief, whether it be through laughter or tears.”

    Thank you!

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