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July 12, 2013 by Fatimah, 1 comment

“Fear can manifest in a number of ways: fear of intense feelings, of personal vulnerability, or of potential victimization. Fear is a natural and healthy response to much of what we witness. If we lived in a society where all people were supported in the full spectrum of their feelings, if there were no right or wrong feelings for a Read more…

July 2, 2013 by Fatimah, 0 comments

Two years ago, I was attending a workshop for play therapy when a profound statement reached my ears: “What you give as a therapist is what you always needed.”  It struck me on different levels and in all of my different roles- therapist, sibling, daughter, friend, and human. I thought about my “style” or “theory” of therapy. Nearing the end Read more…

August 13, 2012 by Lauren, 3 comments

If I was going to get the experience I really wanted, I had to go for it.  With leaps, tip-toes, and awkward body movements, I made my way through the crowd of people and blankets towards the front of the stage.  With every step I made, I felt awkward and like I was inconveniencing everyone around me.  Normally I would Read more…