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May 23, 2013 by Kristyn, 0 comments

Right now, I am sitting outside of a Starbucks near campus sipping on an iced green tea, listening to the music streaming over the speakers, taking in the smell of an impending thunderstorm,  and smiling. Grateful for a small moment in my day to refocus. To remind myself that, overall, life is good. I am writing about this moment because Read more…

May 9, 2013 by Kristyn, 5 comments

I cringe when I hear the word weak. It has such a negative connotation…a connotation of failure and unworthiness. I wish that it were the case that hearing that word would be a rare occurrence. But it’s not. In fact, I hear it frequently  both inside and outside of the therapy room. We use that word to describe ourselves most Read more…

April 15, 2013 by Trent, 5 comments

I’ve written before about the problem with focusing too much on happiness at the expense of our ability to feel sad. Leo Babauta over at writes about how contentment is more important than happiness. He provides reasons why we should focus on contentment, such as “happiness can go up or down each day (or moment), but contentment is something Read more…

March 15, 2013 by Trent, 0 comments

“When the pressure to change reduces, the potential for growth increases” When it comes to self-improvement in our culture, we have images of the refiner’s fire or the amount of pressure and heat required to change carbon into diamond. I think that’s great for elements and minerals, but as humans, I think frequently our reaction to pressure does not always Read more…

March 8, 2013 by Trent, 0 comments

Throughout our life we construct our own personal reality. Some of the reality is based on what we are taught, some of it is based on the messages we receive, and some of it is based on how we are hard wired. What is interesting to me is how tightly we hold to our reality, even if it causes us Read more…

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