Want to be more creative?
September 7, 2012 by
Categories: Human, Personal Goal, Self

The existentialists believe that the moment you set out to find meaning in life, you’re already on the wrong path and will never find it. I’ve believed that developing creativity and problem solving is the same way: creativity and solutions are found tangentially. In other words, it’s by doing other things, not focusing on the end goal that you find yourself there. Some people think of this as losing one’s self. Another way of thinking about it is from one of my favorite quotes by Douglas Adams, “I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.”

I do understand, however, that there are some who prefer a more direct, concrete approach. This is ok, because there are many roads to the same destination. Recently, one of the blogs I follow, Lifehacker.com featured a post by one reader who shared their process of being creative. There are several suggestions, one of which is to change one part of an idea at a time. Since our brains like consistency, sometimes it is difficult for us to see past what we already believe or experience, so the author offers the following advice:

Other suggestions include don’t start at the beginning and creating a range of alternatives.

In all, it is a good read and a different way of looking at creativity.

What do you do to be creative? What is your process? Do share!

Link: Why creativity blocks happen (and how to overcome them)

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3 Thoughts About Want to be more creative?

  • Nate
    September 7, 2012 at 8:20 am Reply

    I will admit that my tendency to have “varied interests” has contributed in surprising ways to my work life.

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