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June 27, 2013 by Kristyn, 0 comments

I stumbled across a research article worth sharing with all of you. This article discusses the importance of feeling awkward. Yes, you read that right. The importance! To sum it up…the responses that awkward situations often provoke (anxiety, hesitation, disjointedness, avoidance), are known to encourage people to focus on social relationships in order to reestablish a sense of social harmony. Read more…

March 7, 2013 by Kristyn, 0 comments

Whenever I walk into the therapy office where I practice, I walk directly to the candy dish where I strategically pluck out a piece of Dove chocolate from the mound of Hershey’s kisses. I do this for two reasons: (1) I have a slight affinity to chocolate (it can make any day a good day) and (2) I get the Read more…

November 23, 2012 by Trent, 0 comments

“My greatest skill in life has been to want but little.”–Thoreau “It’s not getting what you want, it’s wanting what you’ve got.”-Cheryl Crow Like most everyone else, I love the holiday season. A while ago, though, it became less about receiving (at this point in my life, if I need something, I’ll just go buy it–I don’t have the self-discipline Read more…

October 1, 2012 by Lauren, 0 comments

Even though I would never want to be on a reality TV show, I do like the idea of having access to video documentary of my life.  Now before you label me narcissistic, please note that this intrigue is not coming from a place of vanity but instead from a place that wishes to capture some of the special moments Read more…

September 28, 2012 by Trent, 0 comments

I’ve been nostalgic before on CI. I’ve talked about break dancing, stalling my sister’s Trans Am in the middle of an intersection, and even a family vacation. Brace yourself. I’m about to get nostalgic again. A quarter. Twenty-five cents. At this point in time, they’re not worth a whole lot, but back in the 80’s these things were golden. They would get Read more…

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