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April 10, 2013 by Fatimah, 0 comments

I stumbled across this article today called: How not to say the wrong thing and thought it was incredible. I wrote a post previously about not telling people not to be sad, but this expands on it in a rich, tangible way (and especially helpful for very sensitive cases). In this “Ring Theory,” you draw rings in this system (read article for Read more…

March 20, 2013 by Fatimah, 0 comments

i witnessed the power of vulnerability at a spoken word event on monday evening. the poet thanked the audience in advance for allowing her to read it, then delved into a beautiful, yet heartbreaking  true-to-life poem of love and loss. a few lines in, her voice shook and tears began to stream down her face. and then through different parts Read more…

March 13, 2013 by Fatimah, 1 comment

Imagine that you are new to a city, whether by travel or new home. When you seek out a destination, whether by foot, car, or subway, there is a lot that can happen from the first moment to the last. The first moments may look different for everyone. I typically have a plan of action before stepping a foot out Read more…

February 27, 2013 by Fatimah, 1 comment

one of things people seem to be most surprised about when it comes to therapists is that they too, have seen or may also need to see a therapist of their own. this admittance and truth can be difficult for both therapist (e.g. myself) to acknowledge, as well as for the client to believe. i find this to be true Read more…

February 13, 2013 by Fatimah, 0 comments

         some days feel black. some, white. some, grey. this is so you can have days where brilliant colors shine from every corner, on the walls, and even bleed on the ground [and you cannot deny them, even if you tried].      

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