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July 12, 2013 by Fatimah, 1 comment

“Fear can manifest in a number of ways: fear of intense feelings, of personal vulnerability, or of potential victimization. Fear is a natural and healthy response to much of what we witness. If we lived in a society where all people were supported in the full spectrum of their feelings, if there were no right or wrong feelings for a Read more…

July 2, 2013 by Fatimah, 0 comments

Two years ago, I was attending a workshop for play therapy when a profound statement reached my ears: “What you give as a therapist is what you always needed.”  It struck me on different levels and in all of my different roles- therapist, sibling, daughter, friend, and human. I thought about my “style” or “theory” of therapy. Nearing the end Read more…

June 12, 2013 by Fatimah, 0 comments

Words and books have always been a strong gravity in my life, lifting me along and creating secret worlds, strength, and wisdom that can only be found between covers. Recently, I was immersed in a book on a train and stumbled across two sentences that in an instant caught my breath. As the car throttled on, I sat still, stopped Read more…

May 15, 2013 by Fatimah, 0 comments

Change doesn’t happen because of you, it happens through you. In the helping profession, it can be easy to get swept in the idea that who you want to change is the people you work with. Because you love what you do, you work tirelessly; giving time and emotion. Unfortunately, self-care, reflection, and your own growth can take a back Read more…

April 24, 2013 by Fatimah, 0 comments

Yesterday and today I felt a tangible truth: Feelings are fleeting. It could be a day or a season, but sooner or later, what you’re feeling will shift and so will you. Sounds easy, right? It wasn’t. Yesterday I experienced a melancholy that was difficult to shake off. It seeped into my being unexpectedly and doubts started creeping in. In pockets of Read more…

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